
Latest Stories on Trekco Ltd & Products

Trekco in the last two years have been working on and developing natural food products, that make a difference to people’s health, we have seen and experience many problems in last two years with growing viruses and diseases that has been an impact on people’s lives and especially towards their health, we all experienced some sort of illness in the past years, the most important thing is “Prevention” if we live a healthy lifestyle, practise good food diet and exercise we can potentially protect ourselves from serious illnesses and diseases, At Trekco we take our personal family experiences very seriously with illnesses, this is why we have decided on making positive changes to our own personal lives and educate our friends and families on the importance of a Healthy Lifestyle, and want to pass on these important views to other people. Trekco launched our first natural product line, “Troy Raw Greek Honeys” these wonderfully medicinal raw honeys produce from an exquisite place in around the mountains of Central Greece, Thessaly is world renowned place for its honey quality. It is rich in biodiversity, famous for rich pollens and nectar from rare plants and trees. Our honeys have already been making news and recently winning Gold Medal Award 2021 for the honey quality at the London International Honey Awards, and the company itself also being recognised by Acquisition International and Awarded “Best Health Food Product Manufacturer. Check out our other up and coming news and events. We leave you with our final heartfelt message, don’t wait until it’s too late, “Prevention is the key in staying healthy”

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